Pure.Blue.Space is an international architectural and interior design consultancy focused on high-end residential projects. We support clients in envisioning, creating, developing, and realization of the utmost challenging and demanding living spaces of universal beauty and well-being atmosphere. We provide a turnkey service of the highest quality from a single source for a unique lifestyle experience.

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    About Pure Blue. 

    Pure.Blue.Space is an international architectural and interior design consultancy focused on high-end residential projects. We support clients in envisioning, creating, developing, and realization of the utmost challenging and demanding living spaces of universal beauty and well-being atmosphere. We provide a turnkey service of the highest quality from a single source for a unique lifestyle experience.

    Pure Luxury

    Luxury means timelessness that goes beyond fashion. True luxury is rare, and sought after. It is not about material values. It is about experiences and increased emotional connection to the meaningful.


    Pure.Blue.Space explores the correlation between space, atmosphere and beauty, for bespoke living environment and unique lifestyle. Out of a deep interest in human and empathy, we create beauty that enriches their life in the long term. Project development that offers added value for our customers and sets standards, with the combination of quality craftsmanship, timeless design and holistically conceived architecture.


    The use of the blue color pigments in art history is long and fascinating. Blue was in different time periods and cultures considered a color reserved for divine and religious motifs, which established blue hue as a color reserved for metaphysical and spiritual representations. This pigment was not easily produced in the past, and it was expensive and difficult to obtain. In contrast to earthly colors, blue was not something readily available in nature, or acquirable through minimal effort. Its production and availability follows social history, scientific innovations and global trade. The variations of this pigment are known through names such as ultramarine, indigo, or cobalt.

    Yves Klein’s search for an ideal medium to represent the contemplative, immaterial realms led him to color – International Klein Blue (#002FA7)